Li Xiaoyun is currently Lead Chair Professor and Honorary Dean of College of International Development and Global Agriculture (CIDGA) at China Agricultural University (CAU). He is also Chair of China International Development Research Network (CIDRN) and Chair of Network of Southern Think-tanks (NeST). His work covers both China’s domestic transformation, and international development with a wide range of focus on development related areas like resource management, environmental protection, gender development and child development. He is founder of Action Against Poverty, an NGO that works on poverty reduction in remote minority areas of China. He enjoys special allowance of Chinese State Council since 1990s. He received China Poverty Eradication Award in 2004, 2011 and 2017. His pioneering work in philanthropy has won him the reputation of Top 10 Philanthropists of the Year 2018.
李小云是中国农业大学文科资深讲席教授,任中国农业大学国际发展与全球农业学院/南南农业合作学院名誉院长。他目前担任国务院扶贫开发领导小组专家咨询委员会委员、全国妇联书记处专家 委员会委员、教育部社科委员会委员等职务,并享受国务院特殊津贴。李小云教授是国内外知名的发展学家,他 在贫困研究、农村发展研究、性别与发展研究、国际发展与非洲发展研究等领域有着广泛的影响力。李小云教授对中国扶贫政策的制定作出过重要的贡献。他于本世纪初提出的参与式村级扶贫的建议成为了其后我国农村扶贫 开发政策的主要框架。2018年,他提出有关 2020 后的贫困问题的建议,得到了中央最高领导人的重要批示,影响了 2020 后减贫战略的政策制定。李小云教授于 2015 年深入云南少数民族村寨,进行了五年的驻点扶贫实践, 创新出了河边脱贫模式。李小云教授同时也是国内知名的国际减贫理论与实践专家,他在非洲的减贫实践在国际上产生了重要的影响。他于 2004 年获得首届中国消除贫困奖(科研奖)、2011 年获得国务院扶贫办授予的“全 国扶贫开发先进个人”称号、2017 年获得全国脱贫攻坚创新奖、2018 年获得中国公益十大人物称号等。