
时间:2021-04-11 来源:国际发展与全球农业学院




Zoom会议号:623 6458 4594



Time:Monday, 12 April 2021 10:00 am Beijing time

Meeting ID:623 6458 4594 


Topic:Carryover Issues From Pre-COVID



宏观经济学家和公共政策分析师Debapriya Bhattacharya博士是达卡政策对话中心的杰出研究员,是该中心的第一任执行主任。此前,他是孟加拉国发展研究所的高级研究员。孟加拉国驻世贸组织和联合国日内瓦和维也纳办事处的前大使和常驻代表,贸发会议理事会主席,贸发会议秘书长最不发达国家问题特别顾问,日内瓦联合国系统最不发达国家集团协调员。曾在达卡、莫斯科和牛津学习;曾在华盛顿全球发展中心担任过访问职位。联合国发展政策委员会(CDP)委员。代表各发展中国家的国际和双边发展机构承担任务。各种高级别国家协商委员会和委员会成员。担任孟加拉国可持续发展目标公民平台召集人。几个主要机构(包括BRAC国际)的管理机构成员和著名期刊(包括牛津发展研究)的编辑委员会成员。领导了关于塑造2030年议程、可持续发展监测的数据缺陷和可持续发展实施的开创性多国研究。

Speaker:Dr. Debapriya Bhattacharya

Dr. Debapriya Bhattacharya, a macroeconomist and public policy analyst, is a Distinguished Fellow at the Centre for Policy Dialogue (CPD), Dhaka, where he was its first Executive Director. Earlier he was a Senior Research Fellow at the Bangladesh Institute of Development Studies.Former Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Bangladesh to WTO and UN Offices in Geneva and Vienna, President of UNCTAD Governing Board, Special Advisor on LDCs to the Secretary General of UNCTAD, Coordinator of LDC Group of countries in the UN System in Geneva.Studied in Dhaka, Moscow and Oxford; visiting positions held include at the Center for Global Development, Washington DC.Member, United Nations Committee for Development Policy (CDP).  Undertook assignments on behalf of international and bilateral development agencies in various developing countries. Member of various high-level national consultation committees and commissions. Serves as Convenor, Citizen’s Platform for SDGs, Bangladesh.Member of governing bodies of several leading institutions (including BRAC International) and editorial boards of reputed journals (including Oxford Development Studies).Chairs Southern Voice international network of think tanks and LDC IV Monitor alliance. Led the pioneering multi-country study on shaping the 2030 Agenda, data deficits of SDG monitoring, and early signals of SDG implementation. Team Leader of the Southern Voice Report on the State of SDGs. Leading a number of studies focussed on designing incentives for graduating Least Developed Countries (LDCs).






Prof. Xu Xiuli, Dean of College of International Development and Global Agriculture, China Agricultural University