董强 Dong Qiang


中国农业大学人文与发展学院副教授、博士,美国罗格斯大学社会工作学院访问学者(2016-2017),公益慈善周刊创始人,公益评论影响力奖发起人,小云助贫中心理事长、总干事,中国农业大学一带一路农业合作学院/南南合作学院公益组织国际化研究中心主任。研究方向:非营利组织发展政策、非营利组织管理。目前是美国非营利组织和志愿行动研究协会(Association for Research on Nonprofit Organizations and Voluntary Action, ARNOVA)会员,国际第三部门协会(International Society for Third-Sector Research, ISTR)会员。先后在The American Review of Public Administration,International Review of Administrative Sciences,VOLUNTAS: International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations, Nonprofit Policy Forum, Chinese Sociology and Anthropology, Chinese Education and Society, 中国行政管理、社会科学战线等刊物上发表十多篇中英文论文。先后承担联合国发展署、欧盟、民政部社会组织管理局、中国国际扶贫中心、北京市民政局慈善处、北京市朝阳区民政局、中国非公募基金会论坛、南都公益基金会、敦和慈善基金会、億方慈善基金会等机构委托的二十多项项目。

Dr. Dong Qiang is Associate Professor at China Agricultural University and visiting scholar at Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey, US (2016-2017). He is the founder of Chinese Charity Weekly(the largest newsletter in China Charity area), antd the initiator of Charity Review Impact Award. He is also the Director and President of Action Against Poverty and the director of research center for Charity organizations internationalization in China Institute for South- South Cooperation in Agriculture at China Agricultural University. His research area covers nonprofit organization development policy and nonprofit organization management. He is the member of Association for Research on Nonprofit Organizations and Voluntary Action, ARNOVA, and International Society for Third-Sector Research, ISTR. He published more than a dozen of academic articles in The American Review of Public Administration,International Review of Administrative Sciences, VOLUNTAS: International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations, Nonprofit Policy Forum, Chinese Sociology and Anthropology, Chinese Education and Society, Chinese Public Administration, Social Science Front etc. He has participated in research projects founded by international organizations, such as UNDP, EU, government agencies, such as the State Council Leading Group Office of Poverty Alleviation and Development (LGOP), Ministry of Civil Affairs(MCA) and charity foundations, such as China Foundation Forum, Narada Foundation, Sany Foundation and Dunhe Foundation.